Signing Transactions with Multisig Accounts
Learn how to create multisignature accounts here.
Once you have created the multisignature accounts, signing a transaction involves the following steps:
- Create an unsigned transaction for participants to sign
- Create the signing commitment (performed by each participant)
- Aggregate the signing commitments to create the signing package (performed by a coordinator)
- Create signature shares using the signing package (performed by each participant)
- Aggregate the signature shares to create the final signed transaction (performed by a coordinator)
In the examples below, we will be signing a transaction with 2 of 2 multisig accounts.
Create the unsigned transaction
Any account in the multisig group (or a view-only account that possesses the group view keys) can initiate sending a transaction by generating an "unsigned transaction". A raw transaction contains the parameters of a transaction, like which notes will be spent, which notes will be created, and who will own the notes. An unsigned transaction contains pre-computed zero-knowledge proofs in its spend, output, mint, and burn descriptions, but lacks the authorizing signature required for valid spends and mints.
The example below shows how to create a raw transaction to send 10 $ORE to two addresses and then generate an unsigned transaction from that raw transaction:
import { Asset } from '@ironfish/rust-nodejs'
import {
} from '@ironfish/sdk'
async function main(): Promise<void> {
const sdk = await IronfishSdk.init({ dataDir: '~/.dev0' });
const client = await sdk.connectRpc();
const accountName = 'MyMultisigAccount';
// Create the raw transaction
const createOptions: CreateTransactionRequest = {
account: accountName,
outputs: [
publicAddress: 'b28b5d5a629b57f15e73ee6040efe9a8a0abca54a439e9ef5a8686b5765684ee',
amount: CurrencyUtils.encode(10n),
memo: '',
assetId: Asset.nativeId().toString('hex'),
publicAddress: '34ba96315e36de52a3138475776f91df215ebbd868757c61a32dfe34563bd51f',
amount: CurrencyUtils.encode(10n),
memo: '',
assetId: Asset.nativeId().toString('hex'),
fee: CurrencyUtils.encode(1n),
// don't expire until 60 blocks from the current chain head to allow enough time for signing
expirationDelta: 60,
const createResponse = await client.wallet.createTransaction(createOptions);
const rawTransaction = createResponse.content.transaction;
// Build the raw transaction to create an unsigned transaction
const buildOptions: BuildTransactionRequest = {
account: accountName,
const buildResponse = await client.wallet.buildTransaction(buildOptions);
Tip: Make sure the unsigned transaction has a sufficient expiration time to allow for the completion of the signing process. The expiration can be set to 0 to ensure the transaction never expires.
Create the signing commitment
Once the participants agree on the contents of a transaction and who is going to participate in signing, each participant will create a signing commitment.
The identities of the participant and the unsigned transaction are required to generate a commitment.
import { multisig } from '@ironfish/rust-nodejs'
const participantIdentities = [
const participantCommitment = multisig.createSigningCommitment(
Aggregate the signing commitments to create the signing package
Once all participants have created their signing commitments, the commitments are aggregated to create the signing package.
Note: This action can be performed by any participant or the coordinator.
import { UnsignedTransaction } from '@ironfish/rust-nodejs'
const unsignedTransactionData = "01010000000000000002000000000000...9f3fb432907a84c8483586a6a565d308"
const unsignedTransaction = new UnsignedTransaction(
Buffer.from(unsignedTransactionData, 'hex'),
const participantCommitments = [
const signingPackage = unsignedTransaction.signingPackage(participantCommitments)
Create signature shares
Once the signing package is created and distributed to all participants, each participant can create a signature share using their secret key and the signing package.
import { multisig } from '@ironfish/rust-nodejs'
const participantSignature = multisig.createSignatureShare(
Aggregate the signature shares to create the signed transaction
Once all participants have created their signature shares, the shares are aggregated to create the final signed transaction.
Note: This action can be performed by any participant or the coordinator.
import { multisig } from '@ironfish/rust-nodejs'
const participantSignatures = [
const serialized = multisig.aggregateSignatureShares(
const transaction = new Transaction(serialized)